Customer Reviews

Based on 28 reviews
No preamp to pair, still a wild upgrade

Earlier this year my system included a Pi2AES hat streamer, Denafrips Ares II dac, NAD C375BEE integrated amp, Rythmik F12SE subwoofer, Def tech BP20 towers with the crossover capacitors upgraded and tweeters swapped for beryllium ScanSpeaks. I was curious about an upgrade and thought the preamp and power amp sections were the place to start. I wanted to preserve or enhance the following aspects of my system: airy top end with a liquid and organic presentation, good enough imaging and soundstage, especially when speaker positioning is dialed in, well integrated bass down to 20 Hz. The last few months I've auditioned a used [well respected tube preamp] and the TS A75 power amp.

I can say the following about the power amp: the timbre is fantastic and highly musical, the upper region is more airy and refined than what it is replacing while the mids and bass are wonderfully authoritative, it handles delicate passages adjacent to or intermixed with more eruptive moments better than anything I've heard. For each of my priority areas going into a new power amp this one exceeds them all, the proof being how often it's on and I'm listening and enjoying the music. I am very very happy with this amp.

For now, I am performing volume control on my phone upstream of my streamer and DAC, so the audio files are not transmitted bit-perfect. I am also connecting my Ares II directly to the A75 and can say the sound here is better than using either the preamp on my NAD integrated or the used tube preamp (not a Schiit Freya!... came with highly praised OS CIFTE 12AU7 preamp tubes and Philips 5R4YG rectifier tubes i will be taking it to a technician to check linear response and tube health, and the product is well known and well reviewed but I have not been able to get it to play nice with my system). I just heat shrunk two Gotham GAC-1 Ultrablue RCAs to use as line level connections to my sub, and am defaulting back to using a high level connection, but either way it integrates so well I'm not in a rush to get separate preamp outs. Hope this helps someone!

Per Karlsson
TS A75

I am very bad at judging amplifiers because i cant put words on what i hear,if i like them i like them if not i dont.

This one i like,it´s one of the best solid state i have heard,and i have heard a lot.

Most so called high end amps are for me only high en to the name or as Mark Levingson once said 90% of high end is bullshit!!

It will not reach the sound of my Prima Luna HP same as PL400 that cost 6000$ in sweden.

But it comes very close but with a leaner sound,the prima luna have more guts but they both sound terrific.

This is a keeper ,period.

I dont know how much it differs from other chinese clone amps of Darzeel,Goldmund or Burmester,i have not heard them so...

Lewis Martin
Galion TS A75: High-End Performance Without the High-End Price

I previously powered my Ascend Acoustics ELX towers with a Linear Tube Audio (LTA) Z10 integrated amp. While the Z10 paired beautifully with the RAAL ribbon tweeters for mid-bass to highs, I felt the low-end lacked the control and presence I desired, especially on amplified electric bass in fusion jazz and R&B. The Z10 excels with acoustic jazz, but for my broader musical tastes, including acts like Spyro Gyra, and Fourplay, I needed more low-end punch.

After auditioning the Heaven11 Billie and Vincent SV-500 hybrid amps, neither offered enough improvement to replace the Z10. Around the same, I discovered the Galion TS A75 amplifier. My interest was sparked by a review from Terry London. So I contacted company owner Thomas Tan and got a Galion A75 in for a 15-day audition.

Initially, running it direct from my Oppo 105 sounded good, but once I introduced my Audio Horizons 6DJ8 tube buffer, the A75 truly came to life. Its midrange performance was stellar, and the bass became tight, punchy, and controlled. Despite concerns from other reviewers about a "V-shaped" sound profile, the tube buffer seemed to resolve that, delivering a balanced and engaging sound.

In terms of price-to-performance, the A75 competes with far pricier amps. Its ability to render clear, distinct instrument placement and deliver satisfying bass makes it a standout. Having also owned and/or auditioned a few other amps like Channel Islands, Outlaw Audio, STA 200, Bel Canto, and Class D Gan 5, I can confidently say the A75 punches well above its weight, earning its place in my system. It’s a keeper, and for now, my "upgrade-itis" has been cured.

Kris Pineda
This amp is something else...

I've been listening to the TS A75 for a couple months now. Honestly, my system has never sounded so good. With excellent recordings, soundstage is more expansive, yet instruments remain well focused. I listened to an 'old chestnut' tonight - Miles Davis' Kind of Blue (LP) - I know it's cliché, but it felt like I could hear all the way to the walls of the studio. Like others have mentioned, there seems to be more space around the instruments; more air. It is quite impressive. Overall, I have also noticed more texture and detail in the sound. One set of recordings I particularly enjoy is Herbert Blomstedt conducting the Brahms Symphonies. There is so much palpable texture in the basses, cellos, and low woodwinds (especially bassoon/contrabassoon). Thomas, you have voiced a really a wonderful amplifier...Absolutely recommended. Thank you for making such a great product at a price more audiophiles can afford. I'll be looking forward to your preamp. :)

I have attached a picture of my system. Room is treated. Source is Analog or Digital. Analog is Project 'The Classic' Turntable into (DIY) VTA PH-16 tube phono preamp. Digital is Denafrips IRIS into Pontus II via I2S. Preamp is one of three: Freya+ with 1950's MELZ 6n8s tubes/LISST buffers (really a fanstatic combination, btw), Denafrips Hades, or Gustard P26 with Sparkos op amps. Speakers are Philharmonic Audio 2's (I am so happy to have these...)

Jimmy Agudo
Superb Galion TS A75 power amplifier

Upon receiving the unit I immediately hooked it up to my system, it was dead quiet background, outstanding image focus and dimensionality, and a highly resolved mid-range. One of the best amplifiers I've ever heard with regard to focusing musicians in space convincingly. I paired it with Eversolo DMP A8 as a streamer, DAC and preamp in 1 and this amplifier is driving a pair of Kef R11, all has a pure and liquid sound. Can’t wait for this company to release a tube preamp to match the poweramp. All I can say is purrrfect!

Giant Killer Galion TS A75 Power Amp

Why is this called a giant killer? The performance of this amplifier is so good that you will question whether the significantly more expensive amplifier you are currently shopping for is truly better than this one; for those who prefer XLR, the TS A75 comes with both XLR and RCA inputs.

High current design

Sure, it is only 75w, but there is so much power and control with the TS A75 that you might mistake it for a 200w amplifier instead. We designed the TS A75 to deliver quality watts over quantity watts. This amp will grip your bass drivers with authority and control.

Dynamic Bass

With two 200W toroidal transformers and 20 capacitors, giving a total of 200k uf of capacitance bank for both channels, while most affordable amplifiers have about 40k uf, the bass on the TS A75 will make you wonder if you even need to turn on your subwoofer. Not only is the bass impactful and gut-punching, but it is also tight and fast.

Airy Holographic 3D Soundstage

The airy 3D soundstage of the TS A75 is so good that it can even challenge tube-integrated amps. If you have been curious about what audiophiles mean when they talk about this mysterious 'air' in the soundstage, you no longer need to feel left out because the TS A75 has so much air that it can rival expensive amplifiers. Having an airy soundstage is one of the main advantages of the TS A75 current feedback design over the voltage feedback design.

High-Quality Build

The TS A75 custom chassis and big heatsink were designed to keep the unit cool. As a result, the amplifier barely runs warm, which means the capacitors will have a longer lifespan. In addition, we built the amp to have a thick chassis, so you don't have to worry about stacking your preamp on top.

True High Resolution

You might have heard of this audiophile joke, "My system is so resolving that I can hear a pin dropping." Although this is an exaggeration, high-end systems are more detailed than entry-level systems, and you can hear everything effortlessly. The TS A75 will allow you to hear the pin dropping. You will hear things in the recording you have never heard before. The saying, 'A veil has been lifted,' is how you will feel with the TS A75.

Midrange clarity

Besides the sparkling top-end detail, one of the things that will catch your attention right away is the midrange clarity. The saying, 'I can hear the vocal chords of the singer,' is not a dream with this amplifier. Never before have we seen this level of clarity with an affordable amplifier.

Extreme Dynamic Contrast

One thing you will notice right away with the TS A75 is its incredible dynamic contrast. Highs extend further up, the bass hits lower and harder, and the swing from quiet to loud passages seems instantaneous. The TS A75 is an exciting amp to listen to, especially if you are into classical music, where there is significant variation in dynamics.

True Balanced Circuit

The TS A75 features a genuine XLR balanced design. When using a long interconnect cable with the TS A75, opt for XLR connections to experience reduced noise and a darker background.

Specifications TS A75

Measurement Value
RMS Power 8 ohm 75W+75W
RMS Power 4 ohm 100W+100W
Frequency Response 15HZ-40KHZ
4W Distortion THD+N 0.0085%
10W Distortion THD+N 0.01%
25W Distortion THD+N 0.02%
Maximum Current 7A
Gain 33
Total Capacitance 200000UF
Damping Factor 100
SNR 95dB
Input Impedance 33k
Unit Dimensions 17.2 X 12.1 X 6.25 Inches
Unit Weight 39 lbs (17.6kg)
Shipping Dimensions 23 X 19 X 13 Inches
Shipping Weight 42 lbs (19kg)
Fuse 240V = T5AL250V (5X20mm)
120V = T6.3AL250V (5X20mm

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